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How to prevent poor blood circulation

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     The dysfunctions of the circulatory system are divided into 2 groups. These are:

  • Arterial system conditions.
  • Alterations of the venous system.

In short, the blood reaches the heart, and then it is pumped, providing cells in the body with oxygen, electrolytes, and other nutrients necessary for life and the proper functioning of each of the organs and tissues of our body.

The role of venous ducts in the body is to transport blood from organs and tissues back to the heart. It is the system responsible for collecting metabolic waste from cells (CO2, lactic acid, etc.).

The development of this pathway is against gravity when the blood returns from the lower parts of the body to the heart. To make this return of blood possible, the veins have valves inside them that prevent the return of blood.

Blood circulation can be influenced by the following factors:

  • If you suffer from diabetes
  • You are old
  • Inherit someone in the family
  • Hypercholesterolemia (mainly increased “bad” LDL cholesterol, as opposed to “good” HDL cholesterol).
  • Another major factor may be high blood pressure
  • Sedentary.
  • Smoking is one of the most important causes.

     In this article, I will tell you some tips to prevent poor blood circulation. These are the following:

  • Do your best to avoid oversized meals
  • The intake of saturated fats must be consumed to the limit. These are meat, sausages, and dairy products.
  • Beware of trans fatty acids, derived from fats and boiled oils.
  • I recommend consuming unsaturated oils, such as olive oil and omega 3.
  • Cholesterol-lowering agents: there is organic synthesis, such as red rice yeast.
  • Refined salt should be removed from your daily diet because it has a very high sodium content.
  • Hypotensive: garlic, onion, hawthorn.
  • An efficient and preventive diet with low glycemic load in diabetes II.
  • Protect blood capillaries: butcher’s broom, buckwheat, and Bochú. Blueberries, red vines, and ginkgo. Consumption of other antioxidants such as vitamins A, E and C, selenium, or zinc, among others.
  • Another very important tip is to maintain your body weight according to your constitution.
  • If you exercise, I recommend doing them at moderate intensity
  • After narrowing of the arteries: anticoagulants and vasodilators under supervision.